Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well friends, I've officially entered the world of blogging. Never thought I'd do it, but I'm intrigued nonetheless. This year has been a whirlwind! We became homeowners, expanded our family from one boy to two (hurrah!) and slowly but surely are adjusting to life in a small town. I like the slow pace of it, I like the quiet, but I do miss the convenience of big city stores and activities.

So this is our second year gardening. We're focused mostly on vegetables and herbs this year although we did plant a daisy and black eyed susan. We're determined to grow things organically and quite honestly it feels really good! I'm learning so much about good bugs and bad bugs. My sons have a cool mom now...not one who automatically screams at a spider, but rather appreciates the spider for eating mosquitoes. I knew I had to change when I saw my then 2 year old screaming at the sight of any bug. I'm proud to say that now he'll gladly pick up an earthworm and design it a new home or dig up a grub and squish it (they're bad bugs). So we're planning on building a bat house this weekend and buying some Preying Mantis.

Anyhoo, I'm crazy in love with my boys...my original sprouts. Manny will be 4 years old in just 3 weeks, and Adrian just turned 9 months. Forgive the term, but they're growing like weeds. Maybe I should say growing like Peas...they grow fast and they're sweet. ;-) They keep me busy, and I do this gardening thing because it brings me peace, but also because I want them to have wonderful memories of picking fresh peas and strawberries right from our yard, having an appreciation for the work that goes into it, and the satisfaction of what great food really tastes like. It's a new adventure for us all.

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